Here is a post featuring another one of my plant photos. This glorious plant named Lysimachia Clethroides or Gooseneck Loosestrife bloomed two summers ago in my garden. With graceful arching spikes of star-like white blossoms, the flowering lasted from mid-summer to early fall.
The plant had begun with seedlings which I had carefully sowed into my clay soil amended with organic compost. Having high hopes the plant was readily a self-seeder, that first sowing worked and I was one very happy gardener. However, the following spring, the roots were rotted and reseeding did not occur. Bummer! Perhaps the cute little finches throughout my gardens got to them! Oh well, I love finches and all various birds.
Well, when it comes to desirable plants in my garden, I don't give up on failures. So, come this spring rather than seeding, I'll probably just purchase a potted Lysimachia and place perhaps near my garden shed. If you like growing a white flower garden or want to add some pretty white blossoming plants mixed with more colorful plants, this is a wonderful plant to include into your beds. Just be careful... apparently they can be invasive. But don't let that stop you. You can always deadhead or dig up any new shoots. Also, as with Lysimachia to prevent spreading, avoid planting in wet heavy soil.
Do you have some garden advice regarding this plant?
~ JUNE ~