Here is a photo taken years ago shared on my prior blogs and websites. At one time, this image sold online as cards and prints. How this photo came about was one of those spur-of-the-moment ideas. But first, it all began 2010 thru 2012 when I was heavily involved in TTV (Through the Viewfinder) technique utilizing both digital and vintage camera. Constantly searching new ideas and subject matter for photographing, the photo happened one misty spring morning. After breakfast, while roaming around my front yard, I noticed the groundcover blooming with delicate lavender blue periwinkles. And then I thought what would it be like to place a small statuette of Venus de Milo among the blossoms? Heading back indoors and retrieving the goddess, this was the result.
Actually, last night while fiddling around in photoshop, I made changes to the original. Removed the black frame associated with TTV. Also, added a filter flare. Yes, I love lens flares.
~ JUNE ~