Well, the photo shoot of shop furniture (view prior post) went better than expected. I think the cherry tree must have listened to my woes. Now I can relax a bit before returning to other shop launch necessities and the big reveal of the furniture. So during a little breather, thought I'd share additional photos featuring the cherry tree blossoms.
Beneath glistening blue sky and blazing sunshine, I took my cue and aimed the camera. In other photos, blossoms found their way into ironstone sugar bowl and were displayed on the kitchen table, even some tiny buds adorn a vintage decorative saucer.

After hours of photographing, I'm reminded how great the opportunity of making photographs. Nature does not wait for us. Grab your camera or paintbrush and take advantage of each day, each season, it is extremely good for the soul.
A few days from now, the blossoms will have fade away. Just when you're not looking, once here, then gone like the sun slipping behind the horizon line.
~ June ~